
What Is Trump Doing to Bring Back Manufacturing

Update 1/23/16: In an interview broadcast yesterday, President Donald Trump reiterated his aversion to vacations and his promise not to take a presidential salary.

"There's just so much to be done," Trump said in a 60 Minutes interview. "So I don't think we'll be very big on vacations, no."

Regarding the traditional $400,000-a-year presidential pay, Trump said: "No, I'm not going to take the salary. I'm not taking it."

Original 8/30/16: Donald Trump might be the proud owner of Mar-a-Lago, the 128-room "great estate of Palm Beach," but the presidential nominee is not a fan of taking time off to relax and unwind.

When asked by the Boston Globe when the mogul last took a vacation, his spokeswoman Hope Hicks responded simply: "Mr. Trump prefers to work."

A vacation "would bore and perhaps scare him,"Abe Wallach, a former longtime Trump Organization executive, told the newspaper. "He needs constant activity and gratification."

Trump himself tweeted, "Don't take vacations. What's the point? If you're not enjoying your work, you're in the wrong job," in 2012, quoting his book Think Like a Billionaire.

Wallach said that he would speak to Trump on a daily basis, sometimes twice a day, when he took his own vacation time. Another former employee, Barbara Res, said that during the first four years she worked for the Trump Organization, she took only said she took only two vacations. During one of them, a trip to Arizona, Trump asked, "How long are you going to be there? When are you coming back?"

"Don't take vacations. What's the point? If you're not enjoying your work, you're in the wrong job."—Donald Trump

The nominee has been critical of Barack Obama for his biannual vacations: "He takes more vacations than any human being I've ever seen," he said on Greta Van Susteren's Fox News show in 2011. "It sends a bad message. Here we have a country that really is going to hell in a handbasket ... and we have a president that's constantly, whether it's Martha's Vineyard or someplace else, constantly on vacation."

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Trump criticized President Obama for not ending his vacation early to travel to Louisiana to tour the recent flood damage.

Getty Images

More recently, Trump criticized Obama for not leaving his Martha's Vineyard vacation early to tour the flood destruction in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, visited the area on Friday, August 19). Obama arrived a week ago, on Tuesday, August 23.

For her part, Trump's rival Hillary Clinton hasn't taken a vacation during her campaign, a spokesman told People: "Might do two days later in the month but that's not scheduled yet. Even on days she isn't campaigning in public, she is doing campaign meetings so she really hasn't taken any time yet."

And while Trump has said he may take some time off if he loses the election in November, Wallach doesn't believe it for a second: "He could be very busy suing people and various organizations as a result of his loss. He has to be in the press every minute every single day. You can't do that if you're on vacation."

To read the full story, head to the Boston Globe's website.

[H/T: Time

Contributing Digital Editor Sam Dangremond is a Contributing Digital Editor at Town & Country, where he covers men's style, cocktails, travel, and the social scene.

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What Is Trump Doing to Bring Back Manufacturing


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