
Baby Shower Games Where Dads Can Battle

19 Best Games for a Cool Coed Baby Shower Party

  • What is a Coed Baby Shower?
  • Fun And Interactive Coed Baby Shower Games

Planning to organize a coed baby shower? Involving the father-to-be and couples in the baby shower is a fantastic idea for making the party more fun and interactive. Women have been enjoying traditional baby shower parties all their lives, but men generally do not be part of such parties. If you are thinking to invite men and the father-to-be enjoy the experience of a baby shower, then you must include some interesting coed baby shower games at the party. This way you can involve guys without making anyone feel uncomfortable.

What is a Coed Baby Shower?

Baby showers are organised to traditionally announce the arrival of the little one. It has been seen that modern dads remain very excited for their young ones. With this enthusiasm of men, a coed baby shower is very popular nowadays. Coed baby shower simply means co-educational, a baby shower where both men and women are invited to be the part.

Fun And Interactive Coed Baby Shower Games

Everybody loves a blooming baby, but everybody doesn't like traditional games in the baby shower party. If you are looking for decidedly fresh and fun games, then scroll down to see the options.

1. Parent Trivia Coed Baby Shower Game

Parent trivia is an easy game but full of fun. This will involve all the guests at the party.

What You Need

  • Questionnaire
  • Paper
  • Pen

How to Play

  • Ask the parents-to-be to leave the room while the game is being played.
  • Then, give the questionnaire and a pen to all the guests.
  • Ask them to write the answers on paper and when this is complete, invite the parents-to-be back into the room.
  • Now, give the answers.
  • The couple with the most correct answers will win.

Some examples of the questions are here:

  • Where did they meet?
  • What colour shoes is the dad-to-be wearing?
  • Is the mom-to-be wearing earrings?
  • Which colour dress is the mom-to-be wearing?

2. Change the Baby Coed Baby Shower Game

Mainly couples will get involved in this game. So, if you want to involve a couple's baby shower games at the party, then this is a great option. This game can be hilarious for the parents-to-be anticipating a baby's arrival.

What You Need

  • Baby doll
  • Diaper
  • Pins
  • Bodysuits
  • Socks
  • Pants/ Skirt
  • Shirt

How to Play

  • Ask the couples to form a team. Ask them to stand side by side.
  • Tie their hand in a way that one person can use only the left hand and the other person can use only the right hand.
  • Give them the baby doll and all the necessary items required for getting a baby ready.
  • Set the timer and whoever readies the baby first will win the game.

3. Don't Drop the Baby Coed Baby Shower Game

This game can be played by a couple or any two-people. This can be a little messy. People looking for games for a large coed party can definitely include this one.

What You Need

  • Water-filled balloons

How to Play

  • Ask people to form a pair as a couple or as they like, and pass one water-filled balloon to each pair.
  • The pair will toss the balloon back and forth.
  • The last pair to have the balloon with them will win the game.

4. My Water Broke Coed Baby Shower Game

My Water Broke Coed Baby Shower Game

Source: Pinterest

This one is not exactly like the drinking game normally guests are used to, rather it is super fun.

What You Need

  • Plastic babies
  • Ice cubes

How to Play

  • Before the party begins, drop the plastic babies in the ice tray, fill the tray with water and freeze it.
  • When the party begins, plop the ice cubes into their beverages.
  • Let them know about the game that whoever's ice melts first and releases the baby, will have to shout "my water broke".
  • The first one to yell will collect the prize.

5. Blow and Pop Baby Bump Coed Baby Shower Game

This is an easy coed baby shower game for men and women. But the easy game does not mean it will skimp on the fun.

What You Need

  • Balloons

How to Play

  • Give one balloon to each guest and ask them to form a group of 4-5 people.
  • On the count of three, the first person from each team will blow their balloon and stick it under their t-shirt.
  • The rest of the team members will follow suit and so on.
  • Once each member of the team will have their baby bump, the first member will have to figure out how to pop the balloon.
  • When it pops, the next person will do so and the team popping the baby bump first will win.

6. Guess Who Coed Baby Shower Game

Playing an IRL throwback of the guests at your baby shower party will be a really interesting idea.

What You Need

  • Baby pictures of all the guests coming to the shower.
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Posterboard

How to Play

  • While inviting your guests, request them to send you a childhood picture of themselves before the shower.
  • Assign a number to each image and arrange the photos on the poster board.
  • Hand out a paper and pen to the guests to write down who they think the baby is.
  • The guest with the most correct answers will be crowned as a champion.

7. Baby Gift Bingo Coed Baby Shower Game

Level up the excitement of opening the gift for the parents-to-be and other guests will enjoy this too. Simply by adding a bit of Bingo gameplay, gift opening can be more fun for everybody.

What You Need

  • Blank/written bingo cards
  • Pens

How to Play

  • There are two ways to carry out this game.
  • The first way is to hand out the blank bingo cards to the guests just before parents-to-be start opening the gifts.
  • Guests have to fill the square with the things they think parents are going to receive.
  • In a second way, the host can make the Bingo cards in advance and as the parents unwrap the gift, the guest has to cross off items received.
  • The first one to guess the five answers in a row will get a prize. Bingo!

8. Don't Say Baby Coed Baby Shower Game

Don't Say Baby Coed Baby Shower Game

Source: Pinterest

Is it really possible to resist saying baby at a baby shower function? Probably not. But for the baby shower game, you will have to figure out how not to speak this word.

What You Need

  • Diaper pins or clothespins

How to Play

  • Hand all the guests a pin (diaper pin or clothespin) and ask them to wear it on their shirt.
  • Tell your guests that they are not allowed to tell the word "baby" until all the gifts are opened.
  • If any of the guests hear the word being said by anyone, he/she can steal the pin of the offending guest.
  • Once the unwrapping is done, the guest with the most number of pins will win the game.

9. Baby Drink Coed Baby Shower Game

If its a party, then there must be a game that includes drinking.

What You Need

  • Baby bottles filled with drinks
  • Music

How to Play

  • Ask the guest to sit in around and as the music play, start passing the baby bottles filled with different drinks (beer, wine or vodka).
  • Start with 3 different starting points and as the music stops, the one holding the bottle will have to drink it.
  • To add more fun, seal one bottle and capture the effort the person will put in opening the bottle.

10. Spill the Secret Coed Baby Shower Game

The games in the coed baby shower shouldn't embarrass anyone, but how about embarrassing the guest of honour.

What You Need

  • Paper
  • Pen

How to Play

  • Before playing, ask 20-25 questions (revolving around the baby) to the mom-to-be and dad-to-be separately.
  • Write down their answers and then bring them in front of the guests.
  • For each question, ask the couple to guess the answer their partner gave.
  • Poll the guest to see thinks the answer is right and then reveal the answer.

11. Guess the Baby Bump Coed Baby Shower Game

Isn't it interesting to ask the father-to-be to guess the real baby bump?

What You Need

  • Air-filled balloons

How to Play

  • Ask the guest to build a fake pregnant belly either by using a balloon or any craft supplies.
  • Dad-to-be needs to be blindfolded and ask him to feel the belly to judge the mom-to-be's belly.

12. Feed the Baby Coed Baby Shower Game

feeding the baby

Source: Pinterest

Feeding the baby is a tough job. Let the guest try it out at the party in the funniest way.

What You Need

  • Large bib
  • Apple sauce in a jar
  • Spoons

How to Play

  • Give a large bib to each person and make a team of two. Each team will be given a jar of applesauce and two spoons.
  • Each one in the pair will be blindfolded.
  • The pair will have to feed the applesauce to one another at the same time.
  • The fastest duo to finish the full jar of applesauce without spilling any will take the crown.

13. Battle of the Sex Coed Baby Shower Game

Does mom know best or fathers have also researched for taking care of newbie? To find it out, include this game in your party.

What You Need

  • Paper
  • Pen

How to Play

  • The host will have to do a little research before the party begins.
  • The research will be about baby-related trivia questions. Make a list of such questions and ask each parent-to-be separately and have the answer ready.
  • Now make two teams, give them a paper and pen and ask them questions.
  • The team answering the most right questions will take the trophy home.

14. Tick the Timer Coed Baby Shower Game

Watching the couple unwrapping the gifts can be a little snoozy and boring. With this coed baby shower game, let all the attendees of the party enjoy the gift unwrapping session.

What You Need

  • Timer

How to Play

  • Set the timer for 15 minutes or less and start it as the guests start arriving.
  • Whoever brings the gift to the mother-to-be at the time when the timer stops will win goodies. (Condition is either of the parents-to-be should be holding the gift at that time)
  • Now the parents-to-be have to unwrap that particular present at the same time.

15. Baby Perfect Picture Coed Baby Shower Game

Can you draw a recognisable picture of nursing undies or breast pump? How about drawing a diaper rash? Sounds fun right! This will be funny and hilarious.

What You Need

  • Card stock (shape like a playing card)
  • Chalkboard
  • Chalk

How to Play

  • Before the shower begins, write phrases or funny words related to the baby and mother onto each card. Be creative in thinking for words or phrases.
  • Something like sleepless nights, diaper blowout, messy poop, leaky boobs will add more fun to the game.
  • Divide the guests into two teams and one member from each team will pick a card and draw the related picture.
  • Whoever's team manages to correctly identify the picture in the given time will get a point.
  • The team earning 10 points first will be the champion.

16. Stroller Race Coed Baby Shower Game

16. Stroller Race Coed Baby Shower Game

Source: Pinterest

It is really fun to watch the guest racing to get the baby from one place to another safely. Those craving for an action-packed and amusing game for the baby shower, this one is what you are looking for.

What You Need

  • Two umbrella strollers
  • Two baby dolls
  • Household/any objects for obstacles

How to Play

  • Collect household items like ladder, hose or even toys and use them as obstacles for the race.
  • Set up the racecourse. It should be big enough to navigate two stroller-pushers at a time.
  • Strap a baby doll in each stroller before the race begins.
  • Ask one person to count the points and points will be deducted for crashing the stroller, running outside the racecourse, and making the baby fall off.
  • The one who completes the race fastest will win the game.

17. Guess the Name Coed Baby Shower Game

Whether all the guests are parents or not, guessing the useful items of the baby can be exciting.

What You Need

  • Diaper bag
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Baby essential things

How to Play

  • Make the guests sit around each other and give them a paper and a pen.
  • Fill the diaper bag with useful things that a baby needs like a bib, a nipple, or a diaper along with several other goodies.
  • Pass the bag to the guest and they have to touch and feel the things inside the bag and write them down on the paper.
  • Whoever writes the most correct answers in two minutes will win the game.

18. Baby in the Cake Coed Baby Shower Game

You must have seen something like this in marriages. Heres it will be about next in the queue to get the baby.

What You Need

  • Cupcakes
  • Plastic baby miniature
  • Cake decoration items

How to Play

  • Bake a batch of cupcakes before the shower and randomly put the miniature in a mould.
  • Bring the undecorated cake and provide the frosting and other items to decorate the cake.
  • After the decoration is done, ask the mom-to-be to choose her favourite and then distribute the rest to the guests.
  • Whoever will find the pregnant cupcake is next in line to have her own!

19. Diaper Relay Coed Baby Shower Game

Watching men rush in the race of changing the diaper will be entertaining. Ask all the men to take part in this game.

What You Need

  • Diaper
  • Baby Doll

How to Play

  • Set up several diapering stations and put the swaddled baby at the stations.
  • Make a team of 3-4 members in each and each member in the team will be blindfolded.
  • After the host says "go", the team has to take off the current diaper and place a new one as fast as possible.
  • The first team to complete the process will win.

19. Baby Drink Coed Baby Shower Game

If its a party, then there must be a game that includes drinking.

What You Need

  • Baby bottles filled with drinks
  • Music

How to Play

  • Ask the guest to sit in around and as the music play, start passing the baby bottles filled with different drinks (beer, wine or vodka).
  • Start with 3 different starting points and as the music stops, the one holding the bottle will have to drink it.
  • To add more fun, seal one bottle and capture the effort the person will put in opening the bottle.

Throwing a baby shower is very exciting. Sit down to plan the baby shower and consider the above coed baby shower games and choose some of them to make the party more interesting. And of course, keeping prizes for coed baby shower games is a fun idea. Options for the prizes are coffee cups, personalised bottle openers, beer mugs or gourmet food gifts. Enjoy your coed baby shower and have a happy pregnancy journey.

Hope you liked the ideas about the games which you can play at your little one's baby shower.

Also Read:

Modern and Fun Baby Shower Games
Best Baby Shower Gift Ideas
Fabulous Baby Shower Theme Ideas

Baby Shower Games Where Dads Can Battle


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