
"Assassins Creed Origins Order of the Ancients Blue Mask "

Main Character Index

A list of Order of the Ancients characters in the historical portion of Assassin's Creed Origins.

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The Order of the Ancients

Many of these characters are Walking Spoilers and their entries feature a lot of in-game details that are not hidden behind spoiler tags. If you have not played to the end of the game, read at your own risk.

    In General

A shadowy group of influential people that seeks to control Egypt and eventually the rest of the world. Their symbol is a serpent wearing the Double Crown of Egypt with an ankh.

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: As founders of what will become the Templar Order, many of the members of this organization are influential citizens in their respective societies, consisting of government officials, generals, priests, wealthy merchants, and other social elite which have connections to the likes of Cleopatra, Ptolemy XII, and Julius Caesar as well as other royals in the ancient and medieval eras of history.
  • Ancient Conspiracy: Up to Eleven. The group is literally ancient in that the founder of the Order was the Egyptian pharaoh Smenkhkare, who discovered the Isu vault Eeyoo Sekedoo Aat around 1334 BCE, and founded the Order in order to better understand the First Civilization. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey's Legacy of the First Blade DLC establishes them as also having been active in ancient Persia somewhere after that.
  • Animal Motifs:
    • Their aliases are based around various animals, and even their death scenes tend to have the animals in question show up around them.
    • The Order as a whole has an animal representing it, the snake, contrasting the Hidden One/Assassin eagle. The organization is even called "the Snake" to some individuals.
  • Blasphemous Boast: Their use of pharaonic imagery in their disguises is effectively a form of this. The fact that they are able to do so without consequence attests to the amount of power they have over the Egyptian government.
  • Create Your Own Hero: Had they never antagonized Bayek and murdered his son, he and Aya would likely have never gone after them and later set things in motion to create the Hidden Ones/Assassin Brotherhood.
  • Dark Is Evil: Their attire while in disguise is black in color, and they're antagonists.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: The members come from a variety of cultures, including Greeks, Africans and ethnic Egyptians. After the true vastness of the Order is revealed, Romans as well as various peoples throughout the known world are revealed to belong to the Order as well.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: It's implied that at least some of them were rather unnerved by just how ruthless Flavius was in murdering Khemu.
  • Evil Is Petty: In keeping with their Templar successors, they can do pretty evil and ruthless things just for the fun of it.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: They are a secret order that has existed since ancient times.
  • For Science!: The original intent of the Order was to conduct research on newly-obtained Lost Technology from an Isu vault.
  • For Want of a Nail: Or rather For Want Of A Child. The Order of the Ancients were responsible for the murder of Khemu, the son of Bayek and Aya. What they didn't expect was that his parents would go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge that not only got them entangled in the complicated, rigid world of Ancient Egyptian and Roman politics but they would go on to create the Hidden Ones, the precursors to the Assassin Brotherhood.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: When in disguise, members of the Order wear identical black Egyptian facemasks, black robes, and sandals.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Members of the Order use their political skills and wealth to maneuver themselves into the favor of powerful people everywhere in the known world. This is what allows the Order of the Ancients to survive and prosper despite the changes in political leadership. For example, once Ptolemy XIII is deposed, the surviving members of the Order curry favor with Cleopatra and Caesar by appealing to their desire to rule an empire.
  • Multinational Team: The Order is comprised of Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Persians and even a couple of Gauls.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Most members in the Order have monikers and nicknames that invoke predatory animals (i.e. the Lion and the Crocodile).
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Their involvement in Khemu's death borders on John Wick-levels of villain stupidity. Let's just say that killing the son of a Medjay and his wife not only started a Secret War that will last for millennia but it is the main reason why the Assassins even exist.
  • Predecessor Villain: They are this to the Templar Order.
  • Red Baron: The members of the Order are always known by their nicknames.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: The most dangerous members of the Order are the Crocodile, an elderly Greek woman by the name of Berenike who owns a granary in Faiyum and the Scarab, who is actually Taharqa, a beloved architect and family man from Letopolis. Neither individual looks the slightest bit threatening which works as an element of surprise for their unsuspecting victims.
  • The Man Behind the Man: At least two of Ptolemy XIII's courtiers are members of the Order.
  • Two Girls to a Team: Two members of the Order are female, the Hyena and the Crocodile.
  • The Unfettered: If they want something, no pretense of morality will stop them from getting it. In their debut trailer this is punctuated through multiple scenes of Order members standing amongst piles of civilian corpses.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: When Bayek and Aya help Cleopatra take down their pawn Ptolemy, they adapt and recruit Caesar and Cleopatra instead.

    The Heron

Rudjek, The Heron

We will find you! We will find you in your sleep!

The nomarch (ancient Egyptian administration official) of Saqqara in Egypt during Ptolemy XIII's reign. He is the first of the Order killed by Bayek.

  • Corrupt Bureaucrat: Rudjek is a high-ranking government official who abused his authority in the service of the Order of the Ancients. He is hated by rebels from his assigned territory, who have tried to kill him before.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
    • After Rudjek's death, his bodyguard, Hypatos, tracks Bayek to Siwa over the course of several months to avenge Rudjek's death, though he explains it's not out of any genuine affection, more a matter of honor.
    • Rudjek's wife knees Bayek in the groin and spits on him when she sees him.
    • Rudjek's mistress, the assistant healer Suphia, tries to kill Bayek and the Saqqara rebels by betraying them to Ptolemy XIII's soldiers. After this fails, she goes on a Motive Rant until she is killed by Namrut, the rebel leader.
  • Fat Bastard: He's noticeably portly, and also a member of the Order of the Ancients.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Bayek kills him by first catching the dagger thrown at him through his mask, before stabbing him in the face with it.
  • Karmic Death: Bayek kills him with a dagger of the same make as the one his son was killed with.
  • Starter Villain: He's the first Order member Bayek kills.

    The Ibis

Medunamun, The Ibis

I die, my work unfinished. So close, so very close to ushering in the perpetual rule of the strong and virtuous!

An oracle of Amun who oppresses the people of Siwa.

  • Bad Boss: A Hyena lair on the outskirts of Siwa has a note from an underling asking for help getting rid of the local wildlife before they eat him. Evidently Medunamun didn't bother sending any help.
  • Bald of Evil: Has not a hair on his head, though his headdress makes him look like he bleached his hair.
  • Chekhov's Gun: He carries a marked sphere which he uses as a symbol of office and a weapon to bludgeon others into submission. Anyone who has played previous Assassin's Creed games will recognize and understand its importance in the story as an Apple of Eden.
  • Guyliner: Wears black or dark blue lipstick and gold glitter on his face.
  • Kick the Dog:
    • When people oppose him, he has his men burn their houses to the ground, with them in it, to make an example out of them.
    • During his death scene, he taunts Bayek over being unable to save his son, calling him "Bayek of Nothing, Father of No One!", which causes him to react by bludgeoning Medunamun to death with the Apple.
  • Lean and Mean: Is described as incredibly thin, but powerful despite it. And of course, he's quite mean indeed, as he's a tyrant towards the people of Siwa.
  • A Million Is a Statistic: Inverted. When Bayek confronts him over the death of his son, Medunamun simply says that one life is nothing compared to the Order's goals of rule by "the strong and virtuous".
  • I Own This Town: According to him, "Siwa is mine!"
  • Starter Villain: The first target Bayek assassinates in-game proper as opposed to a cutscene.

    The Hippo

Eudoros, The Hippo

Voiced by: Vlasta Vrána (English) note Other Languages:Nikita Prozorovsky (Russian)

The royal scribe of Ptolemy XIII's court.

  • Disc-One Final Boss: At first, Bayek believes Eudoros to be the Snake and thus the last of the Order of the Ancients. Only later does Bayek learn that the "Snake" refers to the entire Order.
  • Fat Bastard: He's portly and also an Order member.
  • Foregone Conclusion: He is believed by Bayek and Aya to be the last of The Order they must kill, but one look at the Target Menu shows that there are multiple other targets yet to be revealed. Add that he is killed perhaps an hour into the game, if the player doesn't screw around, when there's no way a major triple-A release would be that short. Obviously Eudoros is not 'The Snake', as he was previously named by Bayek, and is in fact named something else entirely.
  • Foreshadowing: He's the first of Bayek's targets to not be a native Egyptian. This isn't acknowledged in-game, as the question of whether or not he's the Snake is much more immediately important, but it's the first sign that the Order's influence extends beyond Egypt's borders.
  • Have I Mentioned I Am Gay?: Other patrons of the bathhouse suspect he comes frequently to ogle naked boys. Bayek can overhear him say his skin condition comes from consorting with a sailor.
  • Ironic Death: His alias is "the Hippo", and Bayek kills him by first attempting to drown him before stabbing him in the throat with the Hidden Blade.
  • Plagiarism in Fiction: He stole a rival's work and claimed it was his own. When the rival complained, Eudoros had him arrested.
  • Public Bathhouse Scene: Eudoros is a frequent patron of the public bathhouse. This is where Bayek kills him.
  • Red Right Hand: He has a skin condition that leaves him covered in scars and boils.
  • Synchronization: During his death cutscene, he falls when Bayek stabs the cobra between them with his Hidden Blade.

    The Scarab

Taharqa, The Scarab

Voiced by: Tristan D. Lalla (English) note Other Languages:Mikhail Belyakovich (Russian)

"The Order of Ancients will remember me as the bringer of waters and a builder of cities."

An architect living in Sais and the steward of Letopolis.

  • Anti-Villain: Alongside the Hyena, the Scarab is a generally sympathetic member of the Order of the Ancients as he simply wants to build architectural wonders in his home city of Letopolis to impress not just the gods but for all of Egypt to see.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: His family mourns him after he's killed by Bayek.
  • Bald of Evil: A bald villain.
  • Cycle of Revenge: Bayek kills the Scarab for being a member of organization that got his son killed. In response, Taharqa's son, Kawab, grows up hating Bayek and tracks him down many years later. Fortunately, Bayek persuades the young man to give up his quest for vengeance, ending the cycle.
  • Dirty Business: How he considers his work for the Order.

    Taharqa: There are things I regret! We all labor for higher powers, we are all in thrall to greater forces. There is no escape.

  • The Dreaded: The Scarab is greatly feared in the Nile Delta region. Talking about him is almost like asking for a painful death.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
    • He is loved and deeply respected by his family, especially by his wife Meheret and his son Kawab. This has not stopped him from torturing his father-in-law, Ghupa, when he started to ask too many questions.
    • He also shows concern for the Hyena's well-being in a letter that Bayek finds, remarking on her increasing isolation.
  • Evil All Along: After allying with Bayek to kill a band of raiders attacking the Letopolis ruins, Taharqa drugs Bayek and leaves him to die, buried up to his neck in the desert sand.
  • Glory Seeker: He desperately wants to be remembered long after he dies and wants Letopolis to be his everlasting legacy. Bayek tells him he will be remembered as a murderer now and his legacy will be forgotten.

    Taharqa: The Order of Ancients will remember me as the bringer of waters and a builder of cities!

    Bayek: Or the desert will blow in... and scatter the dreams of Letopolis like dust.

  • Man of the City: He sees himself as a a bringer of waters and a builder of cities.
  • Sadist: One of the Scarab's favored execution methods is burying people up to their necks in sand and leaving them to die. One scene has him dropping and spilling a cup of water in front of one such victim. He also has a habit of subjecting his victims to Cold-Blooded Torture and ripping out their tongues with hot pokers.
  • Scary Black Man: Taharqa is black, and is also a pretty scary character with his tendencies for torture and leaving people buried by their necks in desert sand to die of exposure.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: He is well-known and respected in his public identity as an architect.
  • Visionary Villain: His dream is to restore the ruins of Letopolis into a functional city. He encourages people to live there by providing benefits in exchange for building houses for the city.

    Taharqa: So, this is how a dream dies. I could have built something to last an age!

    Bayek: And Ghupa could have sung stories of your accomplishments.

  • You Killed My Father: In The Hidden Ones DLC, a sidequest has Bayek being confronted by an older Kawab, who wants revenge for Bayek killing his father. Fortunately, Bayek manages to convince Kawab to give up on revenge, and even persuades him to join the Hidden Ones.

    The Hyena

Khaliset, The Hyena

Voiced by: Mouna Traoré (English) note Other Languages:Maria Fortunatova (Russian)

"It makes no difference now. I wanted to protect my daughter in life and death. I have done neither..."

An explorer and an amateur scholar affiliated with the Order. She also keeps a trained pack of hyenas.

  • Adventurer Archaeologist: When Bayek encounters her, Khaliset is attempting to decipher symbols on an artifact made by "Those Who Came Before", with which she hoped to resurrect her daughter Eshe. She is the only person in this story to know about the First Civilization. Khaliset also recognized the value of "silica" and their connection to First Civilization technology, so the Order entrusted her with its supply.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: She is the only member of the Order whom Bayek shows sympathy for because he too knows what it's like to lose a child and, during her death scene, she wonders if she'll even see her daughter, Eshe, after her death.
  • Archer Archetype: She wields a bow and appears to have a very serious demeanor.
  • Arrows on Fire: Fires flaming arrows during her battle with Bayek.
  • Anti-Villain: The most clear-cut Type III example in the Order of the Ancients. The only reason she joined the group was that she wanted to bring her daughter back from the dead.
  • The Beastmaster: She has trained a number of hyenas that will follow her commands. After Khaliset dies, it is hinted that these same hyenas will feast on her corpse.
  • Body Paint: Her face is covered in white markings.
  • Dark Action Girl: Not only is she a woman working alongside the mostly male-dominated Order of Ancients, but she's one of the few members of the group that gets a prolonged boss fight instead of just being a glorified mook.
  • Death Cry Echo: "I just want my daughter back... PLEASE!?"
  • Dragged Off to Hell: At the end of her death scene, hyenas drag her by her feet into the Duat.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Bayek. Like Bayek, Khaliset is an expert archer and animal tamer who has lost a child and probably knows the most in her group about the Isu due to extensive tomb exploration. But Bayek is trying to put his child's soul to rest and move on while Khaliset is desperate to bring her child back to life, and while the experience of losing a child has spurred Bayek to help others, Khaliset losing a child drove her mad and made her willing to sacrifice people.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: She's desperate to resurrect her daughter, but given the setting, there's no way she'll ever succeed, no matter how hard she tries.
  • Flunky Boss: She sends her hyenas against Bayek during their battle.
  • "Get Back Here!" Boss: She uses her bow, smoke bombs, traps and her pet hyenas to keep Bayek at a distance while fighting him. Khaliset also takes advantage of the environs of the Pyramid of Khufu to restrict Bayek's movements.
  • Human Sacrifice: She has kidnapped and sacrificed several people in rituals meant to resurrect her daughter.
  • Meaningful Name: Unlike most members of the Order, her name quite literally refers to not just her animal motif but she has actual hyenas as her pets.
  • Necromantic: Her entire motivation for killing people stems from a belief that she can resurrect her daughter.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: Her daughter died at some point prior to the game, and she works with the Order of Ancients to resurrect her.
  • Scary Black Man: A Rare Female Example. She is noticeably much more darker-skinned than most members of the Order aside from Taharqa but she's responsible for the deaths of several people and commands a pack of hyenas to kill anyone who gets in her way.
  • Skeletons in the Coat Closet: Wears a small skull in the center of her headdress.
  • These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know: Bayek tells Khaliset that the knowledge of the First Civilization is not meant for humans to know, making her efforts to resurrect her daughter futile.
  • Tragic Villain: Only wants to revive her daughter, but does terrible things in her attempt to do so.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: All she wants is to get her daughter back. Too bad she has to kill people to do that.

    The Lizard

Hetepi, The Lizard

Voiced by: David R. Collins (English) note Other Languages:Konstantin Karasik (Russian)

A priest of Anubis at the Great Temple of Memphis and an advisor to the high priest, Pasherenptah.

  • Clue, Evidence, and a Smoking Gun: This is how Bayek eventually finds and kills Hetepi. Bayek learns that the Apis Bull was actually poisoned by finding peach pits in the bull's dung and food supply. He then interrogates the bull's feeders, the Twin Priestesses, who tell him that they were Forced into Evil because their brother, Panchrates, was kidnapped. After being rescued, Panchrates tells Bayek that his kidnappers answered to a priest with a blue scarf and a bad cough. This vital clue allows Pasherenptah to identify the culprit as Hetepi.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: His main distinguishing trait is wearing a blue scarf and having a bad cough.
  • The Faceless: The Lizard is never shown without his mask, even during his death scene. note The closest we get is concept art depicting him without his mask.
  • Fisher King: While every settlement in Egypt is suffering under the Order, Memphis for some reason is under a literal cloud of darkness which does not go away until Bayek kills the Lizard.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: He constantly wears a full-face metal helmet in the shape of a dog's head that serves to indicate his status as a priest of Anubis. It also makes him nigh-indistinguishable from other priests, meaning that Bayek actually has to find clues to make sure that he kills the right one. However, concept art shows him unmasked.
  • Poison Is Evil: The Lizard's modus operandi. He has tainted the natron used to preserve mummies, causing Memphis to be filled with a powerful stench and poisoned cakes at the Great Temple to induce miscarriages to Taimhotep, Pasherenptah's wife. He also manipulated the Twin Priestesses into poisoning the Apis Bull with peach pits by threatening to kill their brother after he showed them his severed finger.
  • Sinister Minister: He is a powerful priest of Anubis and has the trust of the high priest, Pasherenptah. Since Anubis is the Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife, Hetepi's acts as the Lizard were contrary to his priestly duties. It is likely that Hetepi was causing unrest with poison in an effort to gain more influence in Memphis.

    Hetepi: His name was muck before you arrived. The masses are the cattle of the gods, driven by the herdsman's whip. You are one of them, Bayek. You are a cow.

    The Crocodile

Berenike, The Crocodile

Voiced by: Colette Stevenson (English) note Other Languages:Elena Kharitonova (Russian)

The nomarch of Faiyum, the owner of the Kerkesoucha granary and a patron of the Krokodilopolis arena.

  • Asshole Victim: She pretty much deserved to die due to her misdeeds in the Faiyum region from ransacking entire villages and settlements to murdering children.
  • Bad Boss: Underlings who say no to her have a tendency to die.
  • Boomerang Bigot: Is bigoted against Egyptians despite being a member of an Ancient Conspiracy of Egyptian origin.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: She barely remembers murdering a child and her bored, apathetic expression towards Bayek's ranting speaks volumes about her callousness.

    Bayek: Shadya.

    Berenike: Who?

    Bayek: SHADYA! She was the child you drowned!

    Berenike: Like all of your kind, you fail to see what greatness lies in store for Egypt.

    Bayek: Is that what you tell yourself? You do not remember those you killed.

  • Corrupt Bureaucrat: Like Rudjek, she is a government official who has abused her authority to fund the Order's activities, and has the Greek and Egyptian populations segregated in order to create "peace".
  • Dirty Coward: Should she realize Bayek's come for her, she'll try and flee.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Bayek can come across the remains of a house belonging to someone who said no to her offer for it. That very night, she sent goons around to burn his house to the ground.
  • Dramatically Missing the Point: The phrase "culture for all" that gets repeated around the Faiyum is her invention, which she came up with at a party, inspired by the mingling of Egyptian and Greek culture, as she does everything she can to grind the former into dust.
  • Evil Old Folks: She's visibly aged despite her lack of white hair, and she's evil enough to think nothing of murdering children to make a point. She has also sent soldiers and henchmen to ransack settlements in the Faiyum region in order to recover a ledger that contained the names of many members of the Order of the Ancients.
  • Gladiator Games: She is a long-time patron of gladiators, whom she frequently hires as henchmen, one of whom is Bayek's arena partner Kensa.
  • Hate Sink: Second only to Flavius, Berenike is the evilest member of the Order since she's not only racist towards Egyptians and orders her men to ransack and burn entire settlements in the Faiyum region but she murdered Hotephres' daughter Shadya and felt absolutely no remorse about doing it whatsoever. Even during her death scene, she appears calm and very smug towards Bayek which makes her demise rather satisfying.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: When confronted by Bayek with her crimes, this was her answer, word for word.
  • Lack of Empathy: She comes across as one of the most callous members of the Order of Ancients (and even the Templars overall), truly having no care for human life. When confronted by Bayek in her death scene, Berenike wears a bored expression the entire time, doesn't remember the name of the little girl she drowned in front of her mother, and writes off the suffering of the families she's destroyed as worthless and worth it to remake Egypt without a shred of remorse.
  • Man of the City: According to Hotephres she considers herself the proprietor of Faiyum's culture.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: She's a racist, enforcing and drafting the increasing anti-Egyptian laws present throughout Faiyum. Even when Bayek kills her, her foremost reaction is irritation that she's been killed by "one of you".
  • Samus Is a Girl: The Crocodile is presumed male before Berenike's identity is revealed.
  • Slouch of Villainy: When Bayek confronts her in her death scene, she's lazing against a giant white crocodile, completely content.
  • Tom the Dark Lord: Berenike is the Ancient Greek form of "Bernice" (which means "bearer of victory" and whose Latin form is the more familiar Veronica), and she's one of the nastiest characters in the game.
  • White Man's Burden: Subscribes to a version - that Egypt is a land of "savages" who need Greek "wisdom" to "civilise" them (read: crush their religion, tear down their cities, and make the Egyptians functionally slaves in their own country while only the Greeks thrive).
  • Would Hurt a Child: She does not hesitate to drown a young girl in order to intimidate her mother. Especially noteworthy in that her own soldiers are appalled by what she did, and the pair of Gallic gladiators working as hired muscle for her point-blank refused to do it. So she did it herself.



One of the Gabiniani, working as an underling for The Jackal, who tries to kill Cleopatra.

  • An Ax To Grind: While fighting Bayek, he dual-wields two very large axes.
  • Asskicking Equals Authority: A leading member of the Gabiniani, and a very powerful fighter.
  • Ax-Crazy: He's capable of incredible viciousness and violence, and attacks two brothel workers for no real reason.
  • Bodyguard Betrayal: The Gabiniani are supposed to protect the royal family, which includes Cleopatra.
  • Complexity Addiction: His initial plan is pretty detailed - one of his agents disguises himself as a woman, causing a distraction, while another starts a fire, and during this confusion, a third agent shoots Cleopatra while unnoticed. His back-up plan is far more straightforward: send in goons to murder her.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: On seeing some of his assassination notes, Bayek figures Venator may work for Septimius, but he has his own agenda.
  • Moveset Clone: Uses the same attacks as the Arena boss "The Axes".

    The Jackal

Lucius Septimius, The Jackal

Voiced by: Jonny Glynn (English) note Other Languages:Mikhail Sushkov (Russian)

The leader of the Gabiniani, a group of soldiers exiled from Rome currently in the employ of Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII.

  • Arch-Enemy: Aya seems to hold him particularly in contempt, considering it is due to the aftermath of his capture that she loses her clout with Cleopatra and ultimately loses Egypt itself, on top of his involvement in the death of her son.
  • Armies Are Evil: He's the leader of the Roman Gabiniani and one of the Big Bads in the game besides his master Flavius.
  • Badass Boast: "I command armies, I control greatness!"
  • Beard of Evil: He has a full beard that covers much of his face, which is hard to see while he wears his helmet.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Flavius, in the final part of the game. In theory, Flavius is the one in charge, with Septimius as The Dragon, but in practice they are given equal clout, with Septimius as Aya's Arch-Enemy and Flavius as Bayek's.
  • The Brute: He is the biggest member of the Order as well as its best fighter.
  • Cessation of Existence: A mission in "Curse of the Pharaohs" has Bayek use dark magic to annihilate his soul. Though a lot of "Pharaohs" is pretty damned bizarre.
  • The Corrupter: He preys on Caesar's and, by extension, Cleopatra's ambition to rule an empire to corrupt them.
  • Defiant to the End: He doesn't stop gloating once he starts fighting Aya, continuing to taunt her even when at death's door.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: After becoming Julius Caesar's confidant, Septimius planned to control the future Roman Empire through him in the Order's name. After killing Septimius, Aya easily assassinates Caesar within the Roman Senate.
  • Easily Forgiven: After he is captured during the Siege of Alexandria, Septimius quickly becomes one of Julius Caesar's confidants, going from captive to literal right-hand man in two weeks.
  • Epic Flail: In combat against Bayek, and later Aya, Septimius wields a spiked ball and chain in tandem with a sword. In the final battle against him, he can use two flails to levitate Aya, indicating that it is likely a Precursor weapon.
  • Evil Brit: Just like his master Flavius, he has a British accent and definitely not a good guy, to begin with.
  • Final Boss: The last person fought in the story as Aya, and the last boss of the game.
  • Foreshadowing: His claim that Julius Caesar is the father of understanding is a big hint about what the Order of the Ancients will eventually become.
  • Four-Star Badass: He is a Roman general who once served under Pompey Magnus and a powerful fighter. He fights alone during his battles with Bayek and Aya.
  • Going Native: The Gabiniani were a group of Roman soldiers and mercenaries who served with Cleopatra's father, and went native in the process, assimilating into Egyptian culture and marrying local Egyptian women.
  • Hate Sink: His arrogance and gloating make him easy to hate, resulting in his death becoming all the more satisfying.
  • Hero Killer: Along with Flavius, he kills Hepzefa.
  • Historical Domain Character: His claim to fame is being identified as the principal assassin of Pompey. He and his Gabiniani faction did indeed fight for Ptolemy XIII against Caesar and Cleopatra, but Lucius Septimus disappeared from the pages from history. He has appeared in other Roman-era fiction, such as George Bernard Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra where Caesar did spare him as he did in this game.
  • Impossibly Cool Weapon: In his Final Battle, he takes to Dual Wielding Epic Flails that are made from some kind of material that lets him swing them around in spirals to keep others far away from him, and can even use them to levitate opponents for strikes, presumably of Isu make. The overall effect is similar to the likes of Kratos with the addition of Power Glows and Power Floats.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty:
    • Caesar saves him from Bayek's wrath and decides he'd be a useful ally, letting him get off scot-free for his previous actions. The next part of the game centers around rectifying that, with Aya eventually killing him shortly before Caesar's assassination.
    • In "Curse of the Pharaohs" he pulls a much more literal Karma Houdini, using the heart of an innocent child to trick the scales of judgement into letting him into the afterlife. An Oracle in the Duat senses him, however, and helps Bayek to destroy his ka.
  • Kick the Dog: He taunts Aya about Khemu's death during their battle.
  • Large and in Charge: He is noticeably one of the tallest characters in the game and happens to be one of the co-leaders of the Order.
  • Nemean Skinning: Septimius wears a bear pelt over his left shoulder.
  • Slashed Throat: This is how he dies and how Aya finally silences his taunts.

    The Scorpion

Pothinus, The Scorpion

Voiced by: Gerry Mendicino (English) note Other Languages:Vladimir Antonik (Russian)

The regent of Ptolemy XIII and a eunuch. He is responsible for turning Ptolemy against his sister, Cleopatra.

  • Arc Villain: He is revealed and killed over the course of a single mission.
  • Coins for the Dead: At the end of Pothinus' death scene he takes a coin from his own fallen corpse as his fee across the River Styx.
  • Eunuchs Are Evil: He's less evil than the other Order members, but is still antagonistic to Bayek, and happens to be a eunuch.
  • Evil Brit: Like Flavius and Septimius, he has a British RP accent and he's a member of the Order. An unusual example since he is an Egyptian just like Bayek and Aya.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He admits that the Order's actions in Siwa went too far.

    Pothinus: They went too far, in Siwa. I knew it then, but I just wanted peace for Egypt.

  • Face Death with Dignity: He is quite composed during his death scene.
  • Historical Domain Character: Pothinus was indeed a real person and, in fact, it was his idea to have Pompey executed to curry Caesar's favor in the first place.
  • Heel Realization: Of all the Order's members, he is the only one who apologizes to Bayek for causing his pain. Pothinus knew that there was no such thing as a perfect government where no one suffers, but decides that this did not excuse his and the Order's actions.

    Bayek: Your peace leave many wanting.

    Pothinus: This is inevitable. A good rule always does. My apologies, Bayek of Siwa. My fee is covered, it seems. (puts a coin in his mouth) Now may I go to my glory.

    Bayek: There is no glory left in Egypt.

  • Hoist by His Own Petard: After Bayek shoots Yugr Tn enough times and she falls, Pothinus gets crushed under her weight.
  • No Pronunciation Guide: His elephant Yugr Tn's name is pronounced "yu-girth-uh".
  • Token Good Teammate: He is this to the Order of the Ancients and possibly the Templar Order as well. He is the only one to admit fault in his actions despite his belief that it was all for the greater good.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He states to Bayek as he dies that, even years ago, he had his doubts about what the Order was doing, but felt that it was best for Egypt in the end.

    The Lion

Flavius Metellus, The Lion

The Roman proconsul of the province of Kyrenaika and an ally of Julius Caesar.

  • Arch-Enemy: When Bayek learns that Flavius was the Ancient who directed the knife that killed his son Khemu, the Medjay warrior becomes completely personally driven to end his life.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Part of the aristocratic Metelii family, and a villain.
  • Asshole Victim: Considering he was responsible for the death of Khemu, you won't shed a single tear for him when he is killed by Bayek
  • Beard of Evil: He has a neatly trimmed beard and mustache. Needless to say, he's one of the evilest Templars in the entire franchise.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Septimius, in the final part of the game. In theory, Flavius is the one in charge, with Septimius as The Dragon, but in practice, they are given equal clout, with Septimius as Aya's Arch-Enemy and Flavius as Bayek's.
  • Blue Blood: His last name, Metellus, indicates that he was part of the famous Roman aristocratic family (the Metelli).
  • The Caligula: He's the proconsul of Kyrenaika and an abusive tyrant towards the common folk of the province especially with an Apple of Eden which he uses to cause numerous deaths and make himself a god. He's also Roman just like the Trope Namer though he chronologically predates him by two centuries.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Unlike Medunamun, Flavius is able to use the Apple of Eden's power, allowing him to make people into mindless killers, become invisible and use energy bolts.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: Flavius appears only a few times alongside Caesar but he's mostly a background character and never the focus of a scene. This makes the reveal that he's the one who murdered Bayek's son and the de facto Big Bad of the game, all the more surprising.
  • The Dreaded: It's implied that his sheer ruthlessness when it came to Khemu's death basically convinced the other Order members to let him ascend to leadership.
  • Evil Brit: Technically he's not British but he does have the accent like all of the other Roman characters in the game and needless to say he's one of the most despicable bastards in the Assassin's Creed franchise since he was responsible for killing Bayek and Aya's son Khemu.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: For some reason, he thinks that Bayek could've been persuaded to join the Order eventually, despite the fact that they (and he in particular) killed his son.
  • Eviler Than Thou: The other members of the Order are scared shitless of him.
  • Get It Over With: In his final moments, he dares Bayek to finish the job. Bayek actually hesitates for a moment because Flavius is, in a twisted way, his last link to his old life and his beloved son. Fortunately, Khemu himself comes to reassure his father that he is now at peace with his murderer finally dead, enabling Bayek to finish Flavius off and find a new direction in life.
  • A God Am I: When finally confronted by Bayek, Flavius commands him to kneel before his god.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Sociopath that he is. When we first see him in Bayek's flashback, he's the quickest to lose his temper when Bayek can't answer the Order's questions and figures the best solution is to scream and kick Bayek in the head.
  • Hate Plague: Makes the inhabitants of Siwa and Kyrenaika go mad using the power of the Apple, in a disturbing precursor to Al Mualim's use of the very same Apple on Maysaf 1,238 years later, for reasons that only seem to amount to, "Why not?"
  • Hate Sink: If you thought The Crocodile was a nasty piece of work, Flavius is even worse. He has no redeeming qualities nor well-intentioned ambitions, he simply does horrific things for his own amusement. And unlike Berenike, Flavius has an Apple of Eden to play with.
  • Hero Killer: Along with Septimius, he killed Hepzefa.
  • Hidden Villain: He's the one who killed Khemu and the one Bayek is hunting down in revenge, but his identity isn't revealed until near the end of the game.
  • Historical Character's Fictional Relative: Part of the famous Roman aristocratic family, the Metelli.
  • I Regret Nothing: In contrast to the Scarab and the Scorpion, he shows absolutely no regret for his actions, even claiming that killing Khemu was Worth It for the power he obtained as a result.
  • It's All About Me: When Bayek confronts him he says "your son's death made the order bow to ME!"
  • Jerkass: Even leaving aside his sociopathy he's a massive dick. Among the things he does with the Apple is brainwash women and men into screaming their love for him, forcing people to dance ceaselessly, or just murder each other, and at least one instance of making a man think he was a chicken.
  • Kick the Dog: Murdering Khemu is definitely a big dog-kicking moment for him and the entire series. And that's just the first few minutes of the game, he's an outright tyrant towards the people of Cyrenaica by causing senseless death and destruction just for his own amusement.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: His needless cruelty to Bayek ultimately encouraged him to create the Hidden Ones. That's right, the entire Assassin Brotherhood exists because of Flavius's douchebaggery. Before then, the Order of the Ancients was barely threatened by anything to this extent.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: During his battle with Bayek he refers to him as "just a farmer" and refers to Egypt as just a place filled with "camel herders and shit-shovelers".
  • Pre-Final Boss: He's the penultimate boss of the game, with only the Jackal being left after him.
  • The Sociopath: Thinks nothing of murdering a child or anyone else in order to achieve his goals, is a Manipulative Bastard, has a literal god complex due to being able to use an Apple, and sees people only as pawns to be used and discarded when necessary. He's high functioning in that he can keep his impulses under control, but when Bayek confronts him he drops any and all pretenses.
  • Smug Snake: Befitting of his jerkish personality, he is incredibly mean and smarmy towards everyone including Bayek and thinks that he can somehow convince him to join the Order of the Ancients despite the fact that he was responsible for killing his own son, Khemu.
  • Uneven Hybrid: Going by how he can actually use the Apple, he likely has a high amount of First Civilization DNA.
  • The Unfettered: He considered killing Bayek's son a small price to pay for the chance to control both the Order of the Ancients and the future Roman Empire. In fact, he basically says he's proud of it to Bayek's face.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: He is a trusted ally of Caesar when he first appears, sharing an inordinate fascination with Alexander the Great's tomb (later revealed to have more to do with his Staff, a Precursor weapon).
  • We Can Rule Together: When Bayek asks Flavius why he was spared the day his son was killed, Flavius says that he had hoped Bayek would eventually be persuaded to join the Order of the Ancients. Given the diverse membership of the Order, Flavius wasn't kidding. On the other hand, considering that the Ancients also arranged Khemu's death — the very reason for which Bayek has done everything he did throughout the course of the game — Flavius did not think this through very well.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He is directly responsible for Khemu's death, being the masked one who directed Bayek's blade into his son's chest. Once he learns this, Bayek considers Flavius his Arch-Enemy.



A priestess living in a mountain temple just outside of Balagrae. She is one of Flavius' closest advisors and allies in the Order of the Ancients.

  • Animal Motif: The Oracle of Apollo and a victim of the Apple refer to her as a viper.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Praxilla believes she is a friend and capable healer, while Melitta is actually a member of the Order and experimenting on people.
  • Face Death with Dignity: If she sees Bayek coming, Melitta refuses to flee or fight, simply declaring "Semper Flavius" before Bayek kills her.
  • The Fundamentalist: According to Praxilla, she wasn't exactly pleasant even before Flavius got the Apple.
  • Mad Scientist: She is experimenting with the effects of the Apple on captured test subjects, and believes that it is a mixture of science and magic.
  • Minor Major Character: Although she is a member of the Order and a key ally of Flavius, Melitta is only encountered in a sidequest and her assassination does not trigger a White Void Room conversation.
  • Secret-Keeper: Flavius' shared many of his plans, including his intent to conquer Egypt and overthrow Caesar, with only Melitta.

    The Vulture

Actaeon, The Vulture

The first of the Order members killed by Aya.

  • Eye Scream: Aya killed him by first making him put on his mask and then stabbing him through the eye slits, similar to how Bayek killed Rudjek.
  • Killed Offscreen: Was killed by Aya before the beginning of the game.

    The Ram

Ktesos, The Ram

The second of the Order members killed by Aya.

  • Evil Virtues: He was killed while trying to investigate the death of his colleague Actaeon.
  • Killed Offscreen: He was assassinated by Aya offscreen.

Introduced in The Hidden Ones

    Gaius Julius Rufio

General Gaius Julius Rufio

A Roman general in charge of the Sinai Peninsula who was recruited into the Order of the Ancients by Julius Caesar before his death. Rufio intends to seize Egypt for the Order by deposing Cleopatra and Marc Antony.

  • Armies Are Evil: He has ordered numerous villages to be set ablaze, with the survivors drowned, all from the comfort of his ship.
  • Big Bad: Of The Hidden Ones DLC storyline.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: After he's killed his role as the DLC's villain is replaced by Gamilat.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He's introduced (though not seen) in a mission that was added prior to the DLC's launch, trying to gain access to the Siwan Vault.
  • Four-Star Badass: He is no slouch in combat, and it takes a lot of effort by Bayek to put him down.
  • Make an Example of Them: His boat is surrounded by people who've been dunked in with weights around their feet, just like the Crocodile did with Shadya.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: He's racist against non-Romans. He mentions how surprised he is Tacito and Ampelius were murdered, but that he's not surprised Ptahmose failed him, because he's Egyptian.
  • Underestimating Badassery: He believes that by staying on his ship and never setting foot on the mainland, he'd be safe from the Hidden Ones. He's wrong.


Legatus Tacito

"The Order is Eternal!"

A Roman official in charge of the Klysma Quarry in the Sinai Peninsula, he is well known for his brutal methods against his workers and slaves.

  • Corrupt Bureaucrat: He is the Roman equivalent of a deputy general or lieutenant governor who's in charge of the slave operations in Sinai.
  • Torture Technician: The entire quarry is lined with the bodies of people he's had crucified or tortured.
  • Wicked Cultured: Is a huge fan of Greek and Roman theater, and makes his speeches and torture sessions as theatrical as possible.


Ampelius of Capitolinus

The Roman official in charge of the Walls-of-the-Ruler. He imposes harsh taxes and punishments on all travelers who pass through his fortress.

  • Corrupt Bureaucrat: Extremely abusive towards the citizens of the Sinai Peninsula.
  • Nonuniform Uniform: He dresses the same as other captains, except he wear an albino Lion pelt instead of a regular one. Still, the uniform is close enough, Senu cannot identify him.



An Egyptian mason who oversees the pillaging of sacred sites in the Sinai Peninsula to provide funding and materials for the Order. He is also searching for the Shards of the Star.

  • Developers' Foresight: If the player opts to put the quest on hold after getting the scroll from Gamilat, and go get the daggers of Toth, and equip then when facing Ptahmose, he'll remark upon Bayek having the treasure that he spent so much time hunting.
  • Les Collaborateurs: How his fellow Egyptians see him. The rebels hate him the most out of all their oppressors due to his destruction and defilement of tombs and temples.
  • Playing Both Sides: Has heavy ties to both Rome and Egypt, which he uses for the benefit of the Order.


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