
Monument Again on Ashland Navy Marine Corp Monument Ashland Chicago 1940

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KIA-Killed in Action
Air Loss, Crash - Land
Quang Ngai
Vietnam War
Location of Interment
Good Hope Baptist Church Cemetery - Cullman, Alabama
Wall Coordinates
17E 103/Plot: Department eight

Vietnam War/Counteroffensive Phase III Entrada (1967-68)
This entrada was from i June 1967 to 29 January 1968.The conflict in South Vietnam remains basically unchanged. Every bit Operation JUNCTION CITY ended, elements of the U.S. 1st and 25th Infantry Divisions, This entrada was from 1 June 1967 to 29 January 1968.The disharmonize in S Vietnam remains basically unchanged. As Operation JUNCTION Urban center ended, elements of the U.Southward. 1st and 25th Infantry Divisions, the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, and the forces of the Army of the Commonwealth of Vietnam swung dorsum toward Saigon to conduct another clearing functioning, MANHATTAN. This took peace in the Long Nguyen base of operations surface area merely n of the previously cleared "Iron Triangle."

Due south Vietnamese Armed forces became more active and capable nether U.South. advisors. During the year the Vietnamese Special Forces assumed responsibility for several Special Forces camps and for the CIDG companies manning them. In each case all of the U.S. advisors withdrew, leaving the Vietnamese in full command.

With an increased delegation of responsibility to them, the South Vietnamese conducted major operations during 1967, and, in spite of VC attempts to avoid battle, achieved a number of contacts.

Despite the success of U.South. and South Vietnamese Army operations, there were indications in the fall of 1967 of another enemy build-upward, particularly in areas shut to Laos and Kingdom of cambodia. In late October, the VC struck again at the Special Forces Military camp at Loc Ninh. Fortunately Vietnamese reinforcements saved the camp. At the same fourth dimension, approximately 12,000 VC troops converged on a Special Forces campsite at Dak To. This camp was located in northern Kontum Province, where the borders of Laos, Kingdom of cambodia, and S Vietnam encounter. In response to this potential threat, the U.S. and South Vietnam committed a total of 16 battalions to the region to counter a agonizing enemy resurgence at Kontum and Loc Ninh.


Purple Heart
The Purple Heart may be awarded to whatever member of the War machine of the United States who, while serving nether competent say-so in any chapters with 1 of the Armed Forces, has been wounded, impale... The Purple Eye may be awarded to any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who, while serving under competent authority in any capacity with one of the Armed Forces, has been wounded, killed, or who has died or may die of wounds received in armed combat or equally a result of an act of international terrorism. The criteria were announced in a War Department circular dated February 22, 1932, and authorized award to soldiers, upon their request, who had been awarded the Meritorious Service Citation Certificate, Army Wound Ribbon, or were authorized to wear Wound Chevrons subsequent to April 5, 1917 More than Hide
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Navy Presidential Unit Citation
The Presidential Unit Citation may be awarded to units of the War machine of the United States and cobelligerent nations for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy occurring on or aft... The Presidential Unit Citation may exist awarded to units of the Military of the United States and cobelligerent nations for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy occurring on or afterwards December 7, 1941. More than Hide
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Vietnam Ceremonious Deportment Unit Citation
The unit citation of the Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Medal was awarded certain units past the Vietnamese regime for meritorious service during the period 1 March 1961 to 28 March 1974.
Description Awaiting

Operation DeSoto Ii
Initiated in late December 1966 , Operation DeSoto was the final major battle for Marine units in Quang Ngai. The tertiary Battalion, 7th Marines, which had re-deployed from Dai Loc in Jan, 1967, saw ex Initiated in tardily December 1966 , Operation DeSoto was the last major boxing for Marine units in Quang Ngai. The 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, which had re-deployed from Dai Loc in January, 1967, saw all-encompassing activity throughout the 4 calendar month long plus operation.

De Soto concluded on 7 April. While the 3rd Battalion was in 2 Corps, the 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines was part of the SLF and took part in operations throughout the Marines Corps expanse of responsiblity. The 1st Battalion, 7th Marines with elements the 5th Marine Regiment diameter the brunt of most of the patroling and contact with the enemy who'south presence continued in Chu Lai TOAR. I particular incident on, March 26, 1967 which was Easter Sunday ended the month of March on a disturbing and sad note.

Easter Dominicus 1967

In 1965 - 66 the Marine Corps Command decided to introduce a Marine Squad usually consisting of twelve volunteers to live with a PF [Popular Force] platoon in a Vietnamese village and provide security and back up for the villagers against the Viet Cong, thus was the begining of the CAC [Combined Activeness Company which was shortly renamed to CAP or Combined Action Platoon because the Vietnamse pronunciation of CAC meant a derrogatory term]. The concept of Marines living amoung the people was a sound one, it would enable the allied forces to deny the enemy a foothold in the rural coastal expanse's of Vietnam, considered the "bread basket" of the state.

Pacification of the local population was the goal Marines believed would ultimately be the downfall of the Communist insurgent forces and bring a stable form of government thus ending the war. Denying the enemy food and shelter would force his hand to engage in gainsay and ultimate devastation, or force him to retreat from the theater and his goal of domination. CAC L-5 was such a unit, nine young Marines and a Navy Corpsman volunteer's fatigued from the men of Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines who lived in the Vietnamese hamlet of Phuoc Thuan and patrolled the area with the Vietnamese PF's from the village.

These units were supported by their parent organizations and the men were carried on the Company rosters until 31 Jan 1967 when an administative transfer of all CAP personel was fabricated to Sub Unit of measurement #two, HQ Co., HQ Battalion (Rein), 1st Marine Partition (Rein), FMF as well as the Operational Control fell to their new Command. Thus the men of CAC Fifty-5 left Bravo Company and became part of Sub Unit #2, HQ Co, with the exception of LCpl James Adrian Setter of Bravo Co who joined the ill fated patrol.

The Patrol and Ambush
On the morning of 26 March, 1967, at approximately 09:30H 16 men left the CAC L-five compound, to visit the customs and administer medical help to the local population, only 2 survived their Med-Cap patrol.[ Med-Cap was a patrol which offered medical assistance to the local villagers, who for the about part lived without medical services in the rural communities]. Data as to fourth dimension, road, and destination of a patrol was never shared with the PF's, this was a common do past Marines in Vietnam for security purposes. The modest unit consisting of 9 Marines, one Navy Corpsman and 6 PF's began their march south and slightly west towards their destination of Van Thuan, a distance of approximately two miles, and thesite of 2 previous Med-Caps.

Near an hours march from their compound, in the vicinity of Van Thuong the patrol was ambushed by a numerically superior forcefulness of Viet Cong, estimated to be l or more in number. The Marines and PF's were raked with automatic weapons and motorcar-gun burn down by the VC, the patrol returned the burn down as best they could with small artillery and 1000-79 grenades. Speedily realizing that they were vastly outnumbered, a desperate call for aid in the form of artillery back up was radioed to the 1st Bn, 7th Marines. A artillery salvo was fired immediatly to try and relieve the force per unit area the patrol was facing from the heavy volume of fire directed towards them by the attackers, but during the mission all radio contact was lost.

A squad from "Bravo" Company departed from information technology's combat base as reinforcement, and a platoon of Marines from "Delta" Company was heli-lifted simply south of the ambush. By the time the friendly forces arrived in the vicinity of the deadfall, the VC had melted abroad in the heavy brush leaving the expressionless and wounded Marines and PF'due south.

The Aftermath

The reinforcements found that from the sixteen human being patrol, eight Marines were killed as was the lone Navy Corpsman and 5 of the PF's were likewise dead from the mortiferous deadfall. All of the bodies were within fifteen paces of each other and all had died from multiple fragmentation and gunshot wounds equally well each man was shot in the head at shut range after having being wounded or killed during the engagement. There were survivors, one Marine miraculously survived who was wounded having been shot several times in the back and cervix; and the PF Platoon leader who somehow escaped the carnage with a wounded hand. The enemy had escaped with all of the patrols equipment and ammunition, leaving 8 of their own expressionless behind.

This Easter Sunday will never be forgotten by the men who survived, those who heard the cries for help, and those who recovered the living and the expressionless.

Patrol Members Killed in Activity and where they are at Balance

PFC James Charles Batson
LCpl Robert Thomas Brinkley
PFC Clarence John Burley
LCpl David Estrada
LCpl Barry Francis Price
LCpl James Adrian Setter
LCpl Terry Dean Shauver
HN Cyril Jeffrey Westly
PFC Charles Henry White

During Operation Desoto, Hathcock set the record for the longest sniper kill. He used a M2 .l Cal Browning motorcar gun mounting a scope sight at a range of ii,500 yd (2,286 m), taking downward a single Vietcong guerrilla.

Carlos Norman Hathcock Two (20 May 1942 – 23 Feb 1999) was a Usa Marine Corps sniper with a service tape of 93 confirmed kills. Hathcock's tape and the boggling details of the missions he undertook fabricated him a legend in the Marine Corps. His fame every bit a sniper and his dedication to long-distance shooting led him to become a major developer of the United states Marine Corps Sniper training programme. He was honored by having a burglarize named after him: a variant of the M21 dubbed the Springfield Armory M25 White Plumage.

A Note from The Virtual Wall
The DoD prey file shows that 12 sailors and Marines died as the resu
A Note from The Virtual Wall
The DoD casualty file shows that 12 sailors and Marines died as the result of an aircraft-associated incident on 5 Apr 1967:

* Aircrew UH-1E BuNo 151852, VMO-half-dozen, MAG-36
o Capt Alan J. Dean, West Chicago, IL
o Capt Brooke Grand. Shadburne, Ashland, OR
o HM1 Thomas A. Parker, Oxford, IN (MABS-36)
o Cpl Joseph A. Scruggs, Hopkinsville, KY

* 2nd Bn, 7th Marines
o 2ndLt Richard Toepritz, Chicago, IL, Golf Company
o Sgt Ernest B. Cupp, Hanceville, AL, Golf Visitor
o HM2 Michael M. Kauffman, Goshen, IN, H&Due south Company (DoW 07 Apr 1967)
o Cpl Kenneth Thou. Kessinger, Govan, WA, Golf game Company
o HN Glenn T. Bristow, Chicago Ridge, IL, H&South Company
o LCpl Robert F. Cote, Lawrence, MA, Golf Company
o LCpl Leonard I. Moore, Hanover, IN, Golf Company
o Pfc Bert Guerra, Miamisburg, OH, Golf Company

Only five of the twelve men actually were aboard the aircraft; the others were on the ground. Extracts from the Command Chronologies of the ii units involved explicate what happened when a UH-1E from VMO-6 was dispatched on a medevac mission nearly 3 kilometers southeast of Duc Pho Airfield:

* From the VMO-six Command Chronology:

"The squadron was saddened today by the loss of four (four) squadron mates killed in action. Captains DEAN and SHADBURNE, Cpl SCRUGGS, and HM1 PARKER of MABS-36 died when their UH-1E was destroyed by a large enemy mine in a landing zone near Nui Dang in back up of Functioning Desoto."

* From the 3rd Bn, 7th Marines' Command Chronology:

"At 051750H [5:50 pm, 05 Apr] a fireteam at BS843366 from Co 1000/ii/7 tripped a 105mm artillery vanquish devised equally an anti-personnel mine. Every bit a UH-1E med-evac helicopter hovered over the LZ at BS841367, a big explosion occurred under the helicopter causing it to disintegrate. While rushing to assistance the wounded, Marines of Thou/2/7 tripped another big explosive device at BS844367. A search of the area disclosed a 300 meter length of comm wire leading from the LZ to a cane field at BS846367, indicating the helicopter was destroyed past a command detonated bomb. Analysis of both craters showed the explosives used were at least 250 lb bombs or larger. USMC casualties were 10 KIA and 13 WIA."

The unknown Marine wounded by the AP mine had already been put aboard the Huey before the explosion occurred, then that 5 men died aboard the aircraft itself. Ane of the wounded men, Navy Corpsman Michael Kauffman, died two days after of injuries received. The remains of ane of the men aboard the UH-1E, HM1 Thomas Parker, could not exist identified.


The entries below concerning the events at the time of Ernest Cupp'southward decease are from the Popular-A-Fume site.

Submitted by John Boden, VMO-vi, pilot of gunship on site.

It was in the late afternoon later near completing a 24 hr medevac stand-by in which the two crews had flown numerous missions. The pilots had been alternating duty betwixt the pick-up bird and the gunship.

I tin not say for sure but I believe Al Dean was flying the right seat and opted for the pick-upward for this flight. Nosotros were just north of the II Corp line well-nigh 5-six miles from the embankment. The pick upward was on a large flat loma elevation and I believe there were 2 wounded with 4 marines carrying them on litters.

We were directed to the northeast area of the hill to avoid the area to the south of the hill from which the Marines were receiving sporadic burn down from the enemy. Nosotros received no warning of potential mines that I can recall.

The slick fabricated a spiraling arroyo to the LZ while the wounded waited with the four men conveying them. As the bird flared into a hover in preparation for a landing, the four marines began to run to the bird with the wounded. Just earlier the bird set up down from their hover a huge explosion occurred and everyone and everything just disappeared. The coiffure in my plane was stunned, shocked and in atheism.

We fabricated contact with the troops to the due south of the hill who had no explanation of what had happened. We made immediate contact with the DASC to asking boosted Medevac pick-up birds and some other gunship. They estimated almost i hour earlier their arrival. We and so fabricated contact with a headquarters base located on the w side of the loma. To conserve fuel we landed at there position. We were able to acquire in detail the ground situation and maintain contact to be ready to aid and provide cover for the birds enroute.

Dark fell in the acting, merely the planning we were able to exercise while at the HQ and the coordination with the troops on the ground allowed united states to return to the same full general area of the blast, and option up all the KIA and wounded without further incident. The flight dwelling was IFR on top, low fuel and a radar controlled permit down over the h2o. Radar instructions were as usual "You are cleared VFR when you tin can encounter the water." There were many tough flights, but none then emotionally devastating. The loss of expert friends in such a quick and unexplainable way lingers with me to this day. Nosotros learned later that it was a 500 lb. bomb with wires leading from it that caused this most unique and horrible incident. Any family members who wish to contact me are more than welcome.


Submitted past Jay Fitzpatrick/Cpl. Fits, nowadays on the ground with G/2/vii

The twenty-four hour period before the incident I was on patrol and spotted one USMC tank atop 1 of ii hills. Didn't recall much of it then. Side by side day my company did a sweep towards the ii hills which were very close to the h2o. We shot up alot of VC and civilians as I think. I remember firing on several VC in the water and one immature girl existence brought in shot in the arm or leg. We had many captured weapons and did quite a bid of damage that day simply I didn't feel good well-nigh it. Belatedly in the afternoon the Captain decided to split the Company and stay the dark upon two hills.
My platoon (2d.) went to the due south hill and the other plt(due south) went to the due north hill. (The loma I saw the tank on the day before). My squad had just reached the top when a small-scale explosion occurred and we saw/heard that on the other hill a Marine was hit. I had a very skilful view of the reverse hill considering it was lower and barren. Two choppers came for the medevac and as one hovered higher up, the other came in just did not impact downward. I was watching. The stretcher with the wounded man came up and an explosion erupted and it was all gone, in an instant. I saw the front of the chopper catapult s. The chopper circumvoluted then left. I tin only imagine what they thought. It was not yet nighttime so my squad was directed to cantankerous the colina into the minor valley and assistance with the wounded. I was volunteered. Another squad leader came up and said to sit down tight - he would take a few men from his squad and help. At least 1 more explosion occurred from that valley - merely I think there were ii. They were big and all night nosotros searched for the dead and wounded. By morning I searched the base of the hill and found wires (which I think were rigged just that twenty-four hours to have out the tank the next time it set up on the hill). I too establish the
trunk of the squad leader that took my identify and many other buddies when the lord's day came up.


Submitted past Carl Zarling, Corpsman G-2-7

On Apr 5, 1967 we were setting in for the night and a listening mail service was to be established on the opposite hill. At
the first explosion, I ran down the hill I was on and upwardly the other colina to find Bob Cote had been severely wounded. He had a through and through wound in his lower belly.

I yelled for a Priority 1 evac and began bandaging his wounds, trying to stem the menstruum of claret. Inside fifteen minutes, I could hear the chopper coming in. Due to the slope of the colina and the fact that we did not know what acquired the explosion, the chopper eased in and hovered inches of the basis. The Marines picked upwards Cote, who nosotros had on a poncho and had him almost half fashion through the door and I had just stepped in past the cockpit to throw his gear in. The last thing I saw was a wink of crimson orange comeing from under the bird.

When I came to, the chopper was gone and the colina was on fire. By this time Lt Toepritz, Glenn Bristow, Jim Bolten and several other Marines had come the colina to aid in getting the new casualties off the hill.

I had been taken dorsum to the other colina and was waiting for the next evac when there was some other explosion. Not long later that, a Chinook [possibly a Marine H-46] came in to evacuate the casualties. The next day the remains of the rest of those killed were brought in to Chu Lai. I but recently learned most the com wire that it is said was used to cause the explosion.



Vietnam War/Counteroffensive Phase 2 Campaign (1966-67)
This campaign was from ane July 1966 to 31 May 1967. United States operations subsequently ane July 1966 were a continuation of the earlier counteroffensive campaign. Recognizing the interdependence of political This campaign was from 1 July 1966 to 31 May 1967. United states of america operations later one July 1966 were a continuation of the earlier counteroffensive campaign. Recognizing the interdependence of political, economic, sociological, and military factors, the Joint Chiefs of Staff declared that American military machine objectives should be to cause Due north Vietnam to stop its command and support of the insurgency in South Vietnam and Laos, to assist South Vietnam in defeating Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces in Due south Vietnam, and to help Due south Vietnam in pacification extending governmental control over its territory.

N Vietnam continued to build its own forces within South Vietnam. At outset this was done by connected infiltration by sea and along the Ho Chi Minh trail and and so, in early 1966, through the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). U.Southward. air elements received permission to conduct reconnaissance bombing raids, and tactical air strikes into North Vietnam but north of the DMZ, merely ground forces were denied authority to conduct reconnaissance patrols in the northern portion of the DMZ and within North Vietnam. Confined to South Vietnamese territory U.S. regular army fought a state of war of attrition confronting the enemy, relying for a fourth dimension on body counts equally 1 standard indicator for measuring successful progress for winning the state of war.

During 1966 there were eighteen major operations, the most successful of these existence Performance WHITE Wing (MASHER). During this functioning, the 1st Cavalry Division, Korean units, and ARVN forces cleared the northern one-half of Binh Dinh Province on the primal declension. In the procedure they decimated a division, later on designated the N Vietnamese 3d Division. The U.S. 3d Marine Sectionalisation was moved into the expanse of the two northern provinces and in concert with Due south Vietnamese Ground forces and other Marine Corps units, conducted Functioning HASTINGS against enemy infiltrators across the DMZ.

The largest sweep of 1966 took identify northwest of Saigon in Operation ATTLEBORO, involving 22,000 American and South Vietnamese troops pitted against the VC 9th Division and a NVA regiment. The Allies defeated the enemy and, in what became a frequent occurrence, forced him back to his havens in Cambodia or Laos.

By 31 December 1966, U.South. military personnel in South Vietnam numbered 385,300. Enemy forces also increased substantially, so that for the aforementioned menstruation, full enemy strength was in backlog of 282,000 in addition to an estimated 80,000 political cadres. By 30 June 1967, total U.Southward. forces in SVN had risen to 448,800, just enemy strength had increased equally well.

On viii January U.S. and Due south Vietnamese troops launched dissever drives confronting 2 major VC strongholds in Due south Vietnam-in the and so-chosen "Iron Triangle" nearly 25 miles northwest of Saigon. For years this area had been under development as a VC logistics base and headquarters to command enemy activity in and effectually Saigon. The Allies captured huge caches of rice and other foodstuffs, destroyed a mammoth organization of tunnels, and seized documents of considerable intelligence value.

In February, the same U.S. forces that had cleared the "Iron Triangle", were committed with other units in the largest allied operation of the war to engagement, JUNCTION Urban center. Over 22 U.S. and four ARVN battalions engaged the enemy, killing 2,728. After immigration this expanse, the Allies constructed three airfields; erected a bridge and fortified two camps in which CIDG garrisons remained every bit the other centrolineal forces withdrew.


Combat Action Ribbon
The Combat Action Ribbon is a personal decoration awarded to members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Baby-sit (when operating under the command of the Navy) in the class of captain (or colonel in th... The Combat Action Ribbon is a personal decoration awarded to members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard (when operating under the command of the Navy) in the grade of captain (or colonel in the Marine Corps) and below who have actively participated in ground or surface combat. (Earth State of war 2 and Korea War service charge per unit one ribbon for each menstruum simply) More Hide
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Vietnam Service Medal
The Vietnam Service Medal was awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the Usa who served at any time between July 4, 1965, and March 28, 1973, in Vietnam or its face-to-face waters or airspa... The Vietnam Service Medal was awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the Usa who served at any fourth dimension between July 4, 1965, and March 28, 1973, in Vietnam or its contiguous waters or airspace; or, for any period of service during the aforementioned time catamenia in Thailand, Lao people's democratic republic, or Cambodia or the air spaces thereover and in direct support of operations in Vietnam. More than Hibernate
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Vietnam Service Medal
The Vietnam Service Medal was awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States who served at any fourth dimension betwixt July four, 1965, and March 28, 1973, in Vietnam or its contiguous waters or airspa... The Vietnam Service Medal was awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the The states who served at whatever time betwixt July 4, 1965, and March 28, 1973, in Vietnam or its face-to-face waters or airspace; or, for any period of service during the same time period in Thailand, Laos, or Cambodia or the air spaces thereover and in direct support of operations in Vietnam. More Hibernate
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Vietnam Service Medal
The Vietnam Service Medal was awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States who served at any time between July 4, 1965, and March 28, 1973, in Vietnam or its contiguous waters or airspa... The Vietnam Service Medal was awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the U.s. who served at whatsoever time between July 4, 1965, and March 28, 1973, in Vietnam or its contiguous waters or airspace; or, for any period of service during the same time period in Thailand, Laos, or Cambodia or the air spaces thereover and in direct support of operations in Vietnam. More Hide
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Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit of measurement Citation
The Commonwealth of Vietnam Meritorious Unit Citation (Gallantry Cross Colors) was authorized to be worn by units individually cited for service in military operations in support of the regime of Sout... The Republic of Vietnam Meritorious Unit Citation (Gallantry Cantankerous Colors) was authorized to be worn by units individually cited for service in military operations in support of the authorities of South Vietnam. The actions cited are for the same services that would accept resulted in the accolade of a Valorous Unit Commendation by the Army or a Navy Unit of measurement Citation. More Hide
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Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal
This medal is awarded to members of the Military of the U.s. who: 1. Served for half-dozen months in S Vietnam during the period one Mar 61 and 28 Mar 73; or two. Served outside the geographical l... This medal is awarded to members of the Armed forces of the United States who: 1. Served for half-dozen months in South Vietnam during the catamenia i Mar 61 and 28 Mar 73; or 2. Served outside the geographical limits of South Vietnam and contributed direct combat support to the RVN Armed Forces for an aggregate of 6 months. Only members of the Military of the United states who encounter the criteria established for the AFEM (Vietnam) or Vietnam Service Medal during the period of service required are considered to accept contributed straight combat back up to the RVN Armed forces; or 3. Did not complete the length of service required in particular (ane) or (2) above, simply who, during wartime, were: a. Wounded by the enemy (in a armed forces action); b. Captured past the enemy during action or in the line of duty, but later rescued or released; or c. Killed in action or in the line of duty; or 4. Were assigned in Vietnam on 28 Jan 73, and who served a minimum of lx calendar days in Vietnam during the menses 29 Jan 73 to 28 Mar 73. More than Hide
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National Defence force Service Medal (2001-Present))
The National Defense Service Medal is awarded for honorable active service as a member of the War machine during the Korean State of war, Vietnam State of war, the state of war against Iraq in the Persian Gulf, and for service... The National Defence force Service Medal is awarded for honorable active service as a member of the Military machine during the Korean War, Vietnam War, the war confronting Republic of iraq in the Persian Gulf, and for service during the current War on Terrorism. In addition, all members of the National Baby-sit and Reserve who were part of the Selected Reserve in good standing betwixt August two, 1990, to Nov 30, 1995, are eligible for the National Defence Service Medal. In the case of Navy personnel, Midshipment attending the Naval Academy during the qualifying periods are eligible for this laurels, and Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) Midshipmen ae simply eligible if they participated in a summer prowl that was in an surface area which qualified for a campaign medal. More Hide
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