
Should You Top Beef Stroganoff With Cheese

Cheesy Beef Stroganoff Pasta is a healthier, easier, and cheesier version of a classic! This stroganoff pasta is packed with seasoned ground beef, cremini mushrooms, perfectly aldente noodles and a flossy sauce made with Greek yogurt.

Cheesy Beef Stroganoff Pasta is a healthier, easier, and cheesier version of a classic! This stroganoff pasta is packed with seasoned ground beef, cremini mushrooms, perfectly aldente noodles and a creamy sauce made with Greek yogurt.

Cheesy Beefiness Stroganoff Pasta

Aside from Healthy Chicken Spaghetti and Spaghetti and Meatballs, Beef Stroganoff is i of those comfort food dishes I go absolutely crazy for. It'due south non the prettiest or fanciest dish by whatsoever means, but homo, is it good.

The ane thing I don't LOVE well-nigh traditional beef stroganoff though? The steak. Which admittedly, seems kind of backwards, seeing as steak is a pretty significant ingredient in almost recipes, only hear me out.

For me, the allure of beefiness stroganoff isn't the seared bits of meat itself, simply the tangy, creamy, mushroom-laced sauce that'due south smothered over perfectly cooked egg noodles. I could dip, drizzle, and spoon that sauce over just about annihilation… and I have.

Today's version, is apparently sans steak, but I've stayed in the beef family unit, and used ground beefiness instead. I still packed in tons of mushrooms, because my favorite versions of stroganoff don't skimp on them. Of course, nosotros still have the same tangy and savory sour cream-based sauce laced throughout everything, because stroganoff is zero without that delicious sauce.

Cook ground beef, mushrooms, onions and garlic.

Instead of serving it traditionally with the sauce spooned over dry egg noodles, I tossed the beefiness, sauce, and mushroom with toothsome rigatoni noodles, covered it in cheese, and so broiled it until the cheese was all melty and delicious.

Now, beefiness stroganoff isn't exactly in the healthy food category, then in addition to switching up the composition of it a fiddling bit, I also wanted to lighten information technology upward where I could without sacrificing flavor.

Considering the ground beef, even when super lean notwithstanding has a piddling bit of fatty in it, I omitted the butter and oil altogether, and instead cooked the vegetables with the beef itself. I besides swapped out sour cream for low-fat Greek yogurt for some other boost of health and reduction in fat.

If y'all wanted to go even further with the healthiness, yous could swap out the rigatoni noodles for whole-wheat.

Add in beef stock, greek yogurt, and dijon mustard.


Ground beef. Traditional beef stroganoff is typically fabricated with beefiness sirloin tips or even filet mignon. However, considering I'grand not a huge steak person, today's beef stroganoff with ground beef, is my preferred way to brand information technology. It'due south nigh similar a knockoff version of the stroganoff hamburger helper, which happens to me one of my biggest boxed guilty pleasures.

Veggies. Onions, garlic, and cremini mushrooms. Yous could use button mushrooms, but I love the mushroom-forrad flavor cremini mushrooms take.

Beefiness Stock + flour. This is the base of the sauce. Flour thickens the beef stock. Be sure to add warm or hot beef stock, this volition help the mixture thicken faster and easier.

Seasoning. Worcestershire sauce, dijon mustard, and common salt. Worcestershire sauce and dijon are essential ingredients in creating a stroganoff flavour, I don't recommend leaving either of them out.

Greek yogurt. Obviously, low-fat Greek yogurt is what I used, but you lot can as well use not-fat or whole milk. If you just accept sour foam in the fridge, y'all can as well utilize that.

Rigatoni. I dearest the way the sauce, mushrooms and footing beef fill up the insides of each piece of rigatoni. I make certain to cook it nether aldente so it doesn't over cook in the oven. If y'all want to utilize a dissimilar pasta ,feel free, just make sure information technology's something that'south compatible with the sauce. In my opinion, egg noodles, penne, or ziti work all-time.

Toss with aldente noodles.

How to make Cheesy Beefiness Stroganoff

Cook the beefiness, onion, garlic, and mushrooms. Because even lean ground beef has a lilliputian bit of oil in, I don't add whatever actress oil. I melt the beefiness, and when it'southward virtually 80% done cooking, I add in the onion, garlic and mushrooms and sauté until they're all softened.

I also add in a generous amount of kosher salt to flavour everything. My general rule is about one teaspoons of salt per pound of meat, although I usually start with 3/four teaspoon and see where I'm at.

Make the sauce. Stir in flour, this is what it going to thicken the sauce. Slowly stir in warm beef stock. Add together in mustard, a niggling chip more salt, and Worcestershire sauce. Bring the mixture to a eddy and then reduce to a simmer until it thickens.

Melt the pasta. Add the pasta to boiling, salted water. Melt until just under aldente. Because it also goes into the oven, yous want the pasta slightly underdone.

Toss everything together. Add together in Greek yogurt, stir. Transfer pasta to the sauce and stir until combined.

Cover with cheese and bake. Melt just until the cheese is melted and the within is super hot.

Smooth out pasta before sprinkling shredded mozzarella cheese on top

Tin Cheesy Beef Stroganoff be made in advance?

Yes yes yes. This is the perfect dish to make ahead of fourth dimension. Exist VERY careful to undercook your noodles since they will cook more when you re-heat everything. To brand this in advance, prepare the recipe upwardly until you add the cheese.

Next, let the mixture absurd completely and so cover with a lid. Shop in the fridge until information technology's fix to cook. Yous can do this up to 3 days in accelerate.

When you're set to reheat, if possible, let the pasta sit out at room temperature for thirty minutes. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Put the pasta over a medium oestrus on the stove and gently reheat while stirring. Once the mixture is hot, embrace with cheese and pop in to the oven. Bake until the cheese melts.

Cheesy Beef Stroganoff Pasta is a healthier, easier, and cheesier version of a classic! This stroganoff pasta is packed with seasoned ground beef, cremini mushrooms, perfectly aldente noodles and a creamy sauce made with Greek yogurt.

Substitutions and Tips and Tricks for Recipe Success

  • Swap out ground turkey or basis chicken breast for an even more lightened up version.
  • You can utilize whole-milk, low-fat, or non-fat Greek yogurt. Y'all can likewise apply sour cream.
  • Again, cook the pasta UNDER aldente. In that location's nothing worse than mushy noodles in a cheesy pasta.
  • Utilize any kind of mushroom. I prefer cremini, merely button mushrooms piece of work as well.
  • Heat up your beef stock earlier stirring it into the flour. This volition aid the sauce thicker quicker and easier.

If you love this Cheesy Beefiness Stroganoff Pasta, I'm guessing you lot're besides going to love this Skinny Chicken Tetrazzini, which is a lightened-up version of 1 of my favorite babyhood comfort foods. Healthy spaghetti and meatballs, is some other archetype comfort nutrient I adore. I love the chicken meatballs we used instead of traditional, and of grade, I love that I tin feel great about information technology eating.

Closeup of Cheesy Beef Stroganoff Pasta

Cheesy Beef Stroganoff Pasta

Foreclose your screen from going dark

  • 1 lb lean ground beef
  • ane/2 cup diced onion
  • 1 1/iv tsp kosher salt, divided
  • 1 tsp minced garlic (about 2 cloves)
  • 8 oz cremini mushrooms, chopped
  • 1 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups low-sodium beefiness stock, warmed
  • 1 tbsp + one tsp worcestershire sauce
  • 2 1/ii tsp dijon mustard
  • 7 oz patently greek yogurt
  • three/4 lb rigatoni
  • one i/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • stock pot

  • Large skillet

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bring a large pot of h2o to a rolling boil.

  • Heat a large over-proof skillet to a medium oestrus. Add footing beef. Use a wooden spoon to break the meat up while it cooks. Once it'south nearly all the way cooked though and starting to brown, add the onions, garlic, mushrooms and common salt. Continue to cook until mushrooms and onion are softened and beef is cooked through.

  • Add flour, stir to combine. Pour in beefiness stock, worcestershire sauce, dijon and remaining 1/four tsp common salt. Stir to combine. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Simmer until thickened, nigh 5 minutes. Plow the heat on depression and add Greek yogurt. Stir until combined. Season the sauce to taste with salt and pepper.

  • While the sauce thickens, drib the pasta in the boilling h2o. Cook until but under aldente. Reserve pasta water. Use a slotted spoon or strainer to transfer the pasta to the sauce. Toss until combined. If needed, add a little flake of pasta water to loosen the sauce up. Smoothen out the noodles and encompass with mozzarella cheese. Pop in the oven until the cheese has melted and the pasta is hot.

Serving: 1 serving , Calories: 443 kcal (22%) , Carbohydrates: 48 g (16%) , Protein: 36 thou (72%) , Fat: 11 m (17%) , Saturated Fat: 6 g (38%) , Cholesterol: 71 mg (24%) , Sodium: 899 mg (39%) , Potassium: 824 mg (24%) , Cobweb: 2 g (8%) , Saccharide: four g (4%) , Vitamin A: 189 IU (iv%) , Vitamin C: 1 mg (1%) , Calcium: 209 mg (21%) , Fe: 3 mg (17%)


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